Full Service Pool Building brisbane

Mineral Pools vs. Saltwater

What Is the Difference?

When deciding between a mineral pool system or a salt pool, it’s important to understand the differences.

When we think of salt water, we usually direct our minds to healing bodies of water like the ocean, or Epsom salt baths after vigorous physical activity. But, although salt is in the name, it’s actually hard working minerals such as magnesium chloride and the choice of water oxidation technology that each mineral pool provider uses that are beneficial.

Salt pools, on the other hand, use only sodium chloride to produce chlorine and to disinfect the pool. Salt pools do not produce the same salty taste of the sea, nor do they leave the same amount of residue on your skin – sea water has 35,000 ppm of salt while saltwater pools only have around 2500-8000 ppm. They both have their place, but it’s best to be informed about the functions of each when deciding on your new pool, or considering switching systems.

skin saving

Mineral pools are the best option for anyone who suffers from skin irritations or allergies. Although saltwater pools are gentler than chlorine pools, those that use higher salt levels are still are associated with skin flaring for sensitive skin and, even if you don’t have easily irritated skin, it can still dry it out. While the clarity of the water in both options is quite similar, water quality is far superior in a mineral pool, especially one featuring AOP. 

Mineral pools are easier to maintain

Pool Protection

Mineral pools are easier to maintain, gentle and won’t be as prone to corroding the pool and pool accessories, so you can maintain the quality of your pool water without sacrificing the pool itself. Pool Project Management includes free mineral upgrades for all our customers.